Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Perfect Man

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the checklist of "standards" I have while talking to a boy. Now my standards are kind of high and most likely unrealistic, but these are some things that I keep in mind when talking to a potential date.

1. Cute: I hate to be shallow, but to be honest, a like guys who are good looking. He doesn't need to be drop dead gorgeous, sex god, my ovaries are exploding cute, but nice looks are key. I have a soft spot for guys who are nerdy-cute or adorable-cute.

2. Smart: He doesn't need to be a genius, but to have an intelligent conversation with someone about the news or politics or even a book, would be amazing.

3. Family Oriented: My family and I are very, very close, so I want a guy who is close with his family. Plus, when a guy is cute with children and babies... Heart eye emoji for real.

4. Respectful: One thing I always tell every guy I start talking to is "I don't send nudes". I absolutely hate when a guy constantly asks for nudes. If a guy can respect that I don't send nudes and I don't want to talk dirty to him all the time, he's definitely a keeper.

5. Good Taste in Music: I have always wanted a boyfriend that I can "fangirl" over music and bands with. Even if he doesn't exactly "fangirl" with me, at least someone who knows what I'm talking about when I "fangirl".

6. Good Listener: I'm not much of a talker, but when I do have something to say, I really like when a guy listens. He doesn't even have to look at me while I'm talking, as long as he knows everything I'm saying in case I ask him a question.

7. "Normal": When I say normal, I don't mean not weird or anything. I'm talking about emotionally normal. Not a guy who is completely emotionally closed off and you always have to guess what they're feeling, and not a guy who is overly emotional, especially if he's more emotional than I am, but a guy who will talk about his feelings when he's worried about something in our relationship.

8. Goals for Himself: Now, I'm not the type of person to depend on a man to provide everything I want and need, but it would be nice for both of us to have jobs. That way, I'm not providing for him, and he isn't totally providing for me. But I definitely don't want a slacker, alcoholic, addict, or anything like that. I want someone who has a plan for himself and is working towards that plan.

9. Good Personality: For me, I believe the personality for my perfect match would be someone who is caring, funny, and driven. I really love helping people and volunteering, so having someone to do that with would be amazing.

Those are my major things but you know, if the guy is in a band or a movie star or completely gorgeous, but still has a good personality, then sign me up cause I'll take him. (indirect to Calum Hood and Keaton Stromberg)

1 comment:

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