Friday, June 19, 2015

Sea World//Sea animals in captivity

Okay, so I am on a HUGE animal defense kick today. I read this article on Facebook about the sea animals being held in captivity at places such as Sea World. The way these animals are being treated is absolutely horrendous! No animal should have to go through the pain and suffering that these animals have to go through.

These animals are supposed to be wild. I mean, for crying out loud, these animals are supposed to have every single ocean on the planet to swim in. But these poor, poor animals are kept in swimming pools the size of the ones you can buy at Walmart. Their natural instincts tell them to roam free, but when held in these conditions, they cannot live to their potentials.

And the fact that these animals are developing MENTAL ILLNESSES is absolutely ridiculous. They're driving these animals to the actual point of crazy. They're killing each other; they're depressed and dis-formed; all for our entertainment. Is it really worth it? Is endangering these animals for our entertainment worth it? I don't think so.

In this century, scientists should have mechanical whales and dolphins that can survive in water for us to use for entertainment. I mean, if they can create robots to vacuum houses, they can create robotic animals to use.

These animals are NOT meant to be held in captivity. And I know some people are going to say: how about zoos? Aren't zoos inhumane as well? And yes, in some aspects, zoos are inhumane. But in other aspects, zoos are creating safe environments for endangered animals. If it weren't for zoos, both polar bears and tigers would be extinct, and probably a whole lot of other animals too. These sea creatures are NOT being held for their safety; they are NOT being held because they're endangered; they're being held for HUMAN entertainment. We aren't saving them from the wild; we aren't saving them from going extinct: we are shortening their lives and putting them in danger: of themselves and of their tank mates.

If we're going to keep these majestic animals in captivity, we need to not be cheap, and work on giving them better habitats. Habitats that are more like their natural ones: bigger, better, safer. These animals cannot help themselves: and as humans, we're responsible for their pain and suffering. But we can also be responsible for saving them and ensuring that they're treated right.

Animal abuse is never okay. And only we can help save them. Get educated. Get passionate. Get prepared to make a difference.

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